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What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a degenerative disease caused by increased pressure inside the eye (eye strain).

This increased pressure on the optic nerve usually has no symptoms and can result in sudden vision loss.

There are different types of glaucoma:

  • Low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma. There is damage to the optic nerve and side vision in people who have normal eye pressure.
  • Open-angle glaucoma. It is an eye disease whose main sign is chronically elevated intraocular pressure. It is the most frequent glaucoma.
  • Angle-closure glaucoma. The fluid at the front of the eye cannot reach the angle to exit the eye, as part of the iris blocks the angle. People with this type of glaucoma have a sudden increase in eye pressure.
  • Congenital glaucoma. Children are born with a defect in the angle of the eye that delays the normal drainage of fluid from the eye. These children usually have symptoms that can be easily noticed, such as opaque eyes, light sensitivity and excessive tearing.
  • Secondary glaucomas. They can develop as a result of complications of other medical problems, increasing eye pressure and damaging the optic nerve as the most common symptoms.


In most of those affected, glaucoma does not usually show symptoms until advanced stages.

  • Blind spots
  • Tunnel vision
  • Eye pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Severe headache
  • Red eyes

Indicated treatment

Without proper treatment, glaucoma can lead to blindness. Regular ophthalmologic examinations and tests are essential for early detection.

Fortunately, there are several treatments to slow glaucoma:

  • Laser trabeculoplasty. This laser surgery helps the eye drain intraocular fluid. Despite the operation, in many cases, the patient will have to continue using glaucoma medications.
  • Conventional surgery. In this surgery, the ophthalmologist makes a new opening so that the fluid can drain out of the eye. Conventional surgery is usually performed as a last resort when neither medication nor laser surgery has been able to control the eye pressure. For several weeks after surgery, you will need to wear eye drops to prevent infection and inflammation.
  • EPNP. Deep non-perforating sclerectomy. It consists of establishing a new filtration system without perforating the eye. This avoids the risk of the most frequent complications. It is the technique of choice in Ophthalmology and performed by few glaucoma specialists.


In Oftálica we use the best techniques to avoid the risk of a possible increase of pressure in the eye and damage to the optic nerve generated by glaucoma.


Dr. Albino Rial Cortizo

Dra. Lucía Rial Álvarez

Dra. Pamy Stolik

Dr. Konrad Schargel

Dr. José I. Belda

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